Summary: I built the best wetsuit sizing tool in the world to practice using PHP and bootstrap.
I used to work at surf forecast and online surf shop site One of my jobs involved adding descriptions of hundreds of different styles, thicknesses and sizes of wetsuits.
Wetsuits only work if they fit very well. Each brand fits slightly differently, and many offer sizes that have the same name, but that are quite different in dimensions to other brands. A good wetsuit size chart is critical in getting a good fit if you haven’t had a wetsuit before.
I wanted to make it easy for someone to put in their measurements and be given a list of the best size wetsuit from a variety of brands.
It was a great learning experience and the site ended up working as well as I imagined. If you need a wetsuit check out
Skills I learned and used making
- Web hosting
- Domain name registration
- Adding and reading cookies with PHP
- Bootstrap front-end framework
- Copy writing
- Bulk imports to WordPress
- Custom fields in WordPress
- PHP basics for templates, unit conversions and querying WordPress databases
- HTML and CSS
- Lets Encrypt SSL certificates
- Amazon Affiliate ads